Alden Investment Group is proud to again be named in Financial Planning’s IBD Elite Top 50 independent broker dealers for 2022.

While Alden isn’t anywhere near the size of some of the other broker dealers in the list, we kept our performance percentages in-line with the bigger players in the space.

We ranked in at 38 overall for Financial Advisor Payout, with a 33.3% increase in total average payouts year-over-year, and a 12.5% increase in the number of registered representatives over the last year.  Prior to publication of the article, Alden was up to 90 reps, and we’ve since surpassed the 100 mark and are continuing to grow at a fast pace in 2022.

Some other highlights for Alden include ranking in at 45 for Total Revenues, the same slot as in 2021, but with a 10% increase for us year-over-year.  Alden was in first place for Fee Based Mix, and also ranked in seventh place for Highest Growth of Producing Reps, with a 15.4% increase year-over-year, a large jump for a smaller, boutique firm of our size.

The full list of rankings can be seen here:

For the accompanying article published by Financial Planning, it can be found here:

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